Sawa: The Ultimate Ramadan Experience Makes Its Way to Grand Egyptian Museum

Every year, Ramadan arrives with the promise of holiness, spiritual connection, and of course, flavorsome goodies. This year’s Ramadan is no different, and girl do we have the spot for you. Sawa is back this year, and they’ve turned it up to a brand new level. In the heart of Cairo’s crown jewel of history, the Grand Egyptian Museum, Sawa is offering one of this year’s coolest Ramadan experiences; filled with wholesome games, good vibes, top notch entertainment, and hearty food.

Whether you’re booking your company’s annual iftar, the group suhoor for your friends, or just wanting to spend a cozy Ramadan night surrounded by history and good music, Sawa’s Ramadan tent is just the place to get that. If you’re planning on going, send them a message on their Instagram (pictured above) ASAP because spaces are running out as soon as they’re available.