How I Discovered My Love for the Kitchen, and So Will You

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It’s not always easy to take the decision of going to the kitchen, particularly when you know that you are not Ratatouille and you have so many dishes to choose from; however, cooking and preparing your own meals can have a huge impact on your financial situation as well as your mental health. In terms of finances (in this economy), cooking your own meals can help you save money, also studies have shown that those who cook tend to have better self-esteem, less anxiety and depression and increased social skills. 

The question now is how can you discover your passion towards the kitchen and how do you enhance it? 

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First of all, if you want to grow a passion towards the kitchen then you need to start with cooking the easiest recipes, and not the dearest to your heart. Always make sure to search for the full details before you choose the specific recipe you want. In addition, study each step and make sure you have all the ingredients available and handy. 

Second of all, always choose the right time to make that move. Don’t try to cook when you’re exhausted, after work, or following a gruelling workout. You must feel relaxed and not in a rush or sleepy, cooking needs effort and to be honest, you won’t have that patience after a long day. 

Third of all is your mood and the mental space you’re in. As Carla Hall says: “If you’re not in a good mood, the only thing you should make is a reservation”. The best moods prepare the best meals. Don’t try to cook when you feel down, angry, or just in a grumpy mood; you will prepare the worst meals in your life and that, my friend, will riddle you with disappointment. Pick a good mood, play your favorite playlist, and fire up the stove!

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Finally, grocery shopping is the key to a perfect meal. Don’t decide on a meal based on what ingredients you have in your fridge; always do your research for the meals you’d like to prepare, and then take the most exciting trip ever to scour for your groceries. Because choosing the ingredients you need tends to increase your eagerness to prepare what you bought. Note, don’t forget to set a budget, and stick to it.

Bottom line, get yourself a nice apron, choose reliable utensils, with your favorite playlist on speakers, and enjoy the tastiest meals right from your oven.